Public Protection Quanter Operatives Operators Industry-Public Security Agency's

Public Protection Quanter Operatives Operators Industry-Public Security Agency's

Khamis, 22 November 2018

Traning Webinar IA ET

From: Security
Sent: Tuesday, 11/6/2018, 2:00 PM
Subject: WEBINAR | Workplace Violence Prevention Training Considerations for Healthcare Staff

Security Free Webinar
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Workplace Violence Prevention Training Considerations for Healthcare Staff
 December 6, 2018
Earn: 0.1 IACET CEU and 1 ASIS CPE
May be eligible for ASIS CPE credit for CPP, PSP or PCI certifications. BNP Media is authorized by the IACET to offer 0.1 CEU for this program.
This program will focus on the issue of workplace violence in the healthcare industry, current trends regarding violence rates, root causes for these behaviors and unique factors present in healthcare and social assistance environments which can cause such behaviors. Common factors in behaviors of concern, appropriate techniques for de-escalating conflict and the spectrum of workplace violence from intimidation to active assailant will be reviewed. Legislative and regulatory issues will also be discussed including what content workplace violence training programs should consider in order to meet current OSHA requirements.
Learning Objectives:
  1. Define workplace violence and understand types & sources of same.
  2. Recognize the signs and symptoms of precursors to workplace violence events
  3. Understand the OSHA General Duty Clause in relation to workplace violence events and the elements that are typically required in a successful WPV program
  4. Understand how to protect yourself in the event of an active assailant/workplace violence situation

Bryan Warren MBA, CHPA , CPO-I 

Director of Corporate Security
Atrium Health
About  Bryan Warren MBA, CHPA , CPO-I 
Bryan Warren holds a bachelor's degree in Criminal Justice, an MBA with a focus on legal foundations of healthcare and has over 29 years of healthcare security experience. He is a contributor to numerous publications and has served on several national taskforces including the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and the Dept. of Health and Human Services Office of Infrastructure Protection. Bryan is a Past President of the International Association for Healthcare Security and Safety (IAHSS), a Sector Chief in the FBI's Infragard program in the Charlotte N.C. region and a member of several professional associations. In these roles he has provided numerous assessments and presentations nationally and internationally regarding security in the healthcare environment. Bryan has been named as one of the Top 20 Most Influential People in Security in the US by Security Magazine and as one of the Top 30 Voices in Healthcare Security by Forbes magazine. He has recently been appointed as a private sector representative in the DHS Field Liaison Officer program for intelligence sharing and analysis in the fight against terrorism and criminal activity involving US critical infrastructures and key resources and to be a part of the US Dept. of Health and Human Services Critical Infrastructure Protection Taskforce on Workplace Violence and Active Shooter prevention for healthcare facilities.
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