Public Protection Quanter Operatives Operators Industry-Public Security Agency's

Public Protection Quanter Operatives Operators Industry-Public Security Agency's

Ahad, 18 Ogos 2019

Perkihdmatan Perlindungan Pelbagai


Perlindungan eksekutif korporat dan banyak lagi

Sebagai tambahan kepada perlindungan eksekutif terbaik, AS Solution menawarkan pelbagai perkhidmatan lain untuk meningkatkan keselamatan, produktiviti dan kesinambungan perniagaan.

Perkhidmatan ini boleh menjadi komponen bersepadu bagi program perlindungan eksekutif yang komprehensif, atau mereka mungkin berdiri sendiri dan digabung dengan cara lain. Sesetengah boleh didapati sebagai program tertanam, yang lain mengikut permintaan.

Semua didasarkan pada dedikasi yang sama untuk menyesuaikan penyelesaian keselamatan bertaraf dunia kepada budaya korporat pelanggan kami dan keutamaan peribadi.

Perkhidmatan keselamatan kami

Perlindungan eksekutif

perkhidmatan perlindungan eksekutif
Perlindungan yang rapat yang mengurangkan risiko bagi individu berprofil tinggi di mana kepentingan mereka mengambilnya.

Perkhidmatan perjalanan selamat

perkhidmatan keselamatan perjalanan
Perkhidmatan perjalanan selamat memberikan pelancong dengan ketenangan fikiran dengan memberikan penyelesaian yang disesuaikan dan selamat mengenai pengangkutan.

Analisis perisikan

analisis kecerdasan
Memantau, menganalisis dan melapor mengenai keadaan keselamatan korporat antarabangsa yang selalu berubah.

Sokongan pusat operasi

Seramai jam, tindak balas pantas terhadap kecerdasan, maklumat penjelajahan pengembara, penggera dan kriteria yang telah ditetapkan sebelumnya.

Keselamatan acara

Perancangan, pelaksanaan dan kakitangan yang komprehensif untuk melindungi semua jenis peristiwa di seluruh dunia.

Perkhidmatan Keselamatan Kediaman

Perkhidmatan keselamatan kediaman
Keselamatan rumah individu untuk pengetua dan keluarga melalui gabungan tenaga manusia dan teknologi.

Pemeriksaan Keselamatan

Perkhidmatan pemeriksaan keselamatan
Pengimbas dan pengesan logam sinar-X, yang diawaki atau tidak berawak, untuk menyaring barang, bungkusan dan orang pada acara, tempat pemeriksaan perjalanan dan lokasi perniagaan.

Perkhidmatan pemindahan

Perkhidmatan pemindahan
Penyingkiran selamat dan selamat dari orang-orang dari situasi berisiko tinggi disebabkan oleh pergolakan politik, bencana alam atau ancaman lain.

Keselamatan hotel

Keselamatan Hotel
Perkhidmatan perundingan keselamatan hotel adalah untuk membolehkan pemilik hotel dan pengendali memaksimumkan keselamatan orang dan aset fizikal.

Perundingan keselamatan

Perkhidmatan perundingan keselamatan
Risiko, ancaman dan analisis kelemahan (RTVA), pelan induk keselamatan, audit, laporan risikan, keselamatan hotel.

Penyiasatan korporat

Perkhidmatan penyiasatan korporat
Siasatan mengenai jenayah, perlindungan jenama, carian aset dan pemulihan, latar belakang daeen analisis insiden.

Perkhidmatan keselamatan maritim

Perkhidmatan keselamatan maritim - AS Solution adalah sebuah syarikat keselamatan maritim di seluruh dunia
Perkhidmatan anti cetak rompak, pasukan keselamatan kapal dan perunding, kapal pengiring dan latihan.

Aplikasi perlindungan eksekutif

Platform digital pertama yang dibuat untuk profesional perlindungan eksekutif

Lihat catatan blog terkini

Kepentingan mengiktiraf bias dalam analisis perisikan pelindung

16 Ogos 2019 - Oleh Sean Paul Schuhriemen
Kita semua bias. Kami memperlihatkan ini apabila kita menunjukkan kecenderungan yang tersirat, yang sering tidak diucapkan untuk atau terhadap seseorang atau sesuatu. Untuk lebih baik dan lebih buruk, bias dipanggang ke dalam evolusi sosial, psikologi, dan kognitif kami sebagai manusia. Otak mencari pola kita keras untuk membuat ramalan, dan bias menjadikan hidup lebih cepat dan mudah untuk diramalkan. Sudah tentu, walaupun penganalisis perisikan perlindungan terdedah kepada kecenderungan; ia tidak boleh dibantu. Tetapi kita dapat membantu diri kita sendiri - dan orang-orang yang menggunakan kecerdasan yang kita hasilkan - dengan mengiktiraf kecenderungan kita dan melakukan yang terbaik untuk mengurangkannya.

Ancaman dan kelemahan yang kurang diketahui: Apa yang pro tahu perlindungan eksekutif (dan orang lain) perlu diketahui

Peti mel
25 Julai 2019 - Oleh Christian West & Martin Nielsen
Apabila orang berfikir tentang risiko yang perlindungan eksekutif membantu mengurangkan, mereka dengan cepat menimbulkan imej-imej ancaman yang mereka lihat di media. Pencerobohan rumah, paparazzi yang memaksa, penculikan, dan serangan awam semuanya teringat. Dan tentu saja, ini semua ancaman yang profesional perlindungan eksekutif dan pelanggan mereka perlu mengambil serius.
Dengan blog ini kita memeriksa beberapa ancaman dan kelemahan yang kurang dikenali, jadi pelanggan EP dan pengamal dapat mempertimbangkannya kerana mereka merancang dan melaksanakan program perlindungan komprehensif. Walaupun anda tidak berada dalam industri perlindungan eksekutif, kesedaran tentang ancaman dan kelemahan ini adalah langkah pertama untuk mengurangkannya.


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KERJAYA PERLINDUNGAN RAPAT|PERLINDUNGAN PERIBADI|PERLINDUNGAN KESELAMATAN|PENILAI RISIKO|PENGENDALI PASARAN| PENGENDALI LATIHAN. Selamat Datang Ke Sektor Keselamatan Awam Agensi Perkhidmatan Keselamatan Perlindungan Kami adalah Pembekal,Perunding Perlindungan Dan Penilaian Analisis Risiko Serta Penasihat Rancangan Keselamatan Fizikal Swasta, Pemasaran Pegawai Perlindungan Rapat Dalam Pasaran Global. Kami mempunyai pangkalan data kami sendiri yang Calon CPO/CBG berpengalaman perlindungan rapat. Jangan lupa anda boleh menghubungi kami dengan mana-mana keperluan perlindungan keselamatan Fizikal peribadi untuk anda. NOTA: Sebarang maklumat yang diberikan di atas tidak menjamin peluang penggajian atau pelajaran dengan saya atau mana-mana majikan@Agensi saya yang bergabung. Anda HARUS memenuhi setiap keperluan majikan atau Syarikat Prinsipal untuk pekerjaan. Sila hubungi bakal majikan anda untuk maklumat lanjut mengenai pekerjaan. Terima kasih kerana Waktu. Choosing the right security course for career development. "The Special Protection Specialist Protective Executife Group" in Private Public Security And Public Order Division|Ministry Of Home Affains" - Industry Authority ©️2012-2019|Hyatt's™️|®️CPOSecurity Risk Protections Consulting.

Protective Intelligence Fundamentals and Challenges

Protective Intelligence Fundamentals and Challenges

What is “Protective Intelligence?”

To the executive protection analyst plugging away in a 24-hour operations center, protective intelligence is one thing.
To the security consultant with an MA or MS in psychology, protective intelligence means something else.
And to the US Department of Justice, or the US Secret Service, it takes on another meaning.
So, a discussion of protective intelligence could be confusing without properly defining the term.
Therefore, let us examine three separate, frequently cited definitions and how they manifest in the day-to-day processes of protective intelligence programs.
“Protective intelligence—a less visible aspect of protection—consists of programs and systems aimed at identifying and preventing persons with the means and interest to attack a protected person from getting close enough to mount an attack and, when possible, reducing the likelihood that they would decide to mount an attack. Protective intelligence programs are based on the idea that the risk of violence is minimized if persons with the interest, capacity, and willingness to mount an attack can be identified and rendered harmless before they approach a protected person.” 
“In simple terms, PI is the process used to identify and assess threats. A well-designed PI program will have a number of distinct and crucial components or functions, but the most important of these are countersurveillance, investigations and analysis.” 
“Similarly, protective intelligence requires gathering information about potential threats; in this case the threats of interest are those against key public figures (protectees). Collection methods include a variety of investigative avenues and open source information, along with queries of specialized databases and other records.” 
For simplicity, we will define protective intelligence as the investigative and analytical process used by protectors to proactively identify, assess, and mitigate threats to protectees.
The Three Key Phases of Protective Intelligence
Armed with our simplified working definition of protective intelligence, we can now visualize and explain the full process by viewing it as three key phases: Identify, Assess, and Mitigate 
Identify: How Do Protective Intelligence Teams Identify Threats?
The first step in identifying threats to key assets/personnel is conducting a thorough Risk Vulnerability Threat Assessment (RVTA). This allows the security leader to implement proactive measures at various levels and for the efficient allocation of finite security resources.
After an RVTA is conducted, and appropriate security controls are implemented, the protective intelligence program may then take advantage of observations from security and non-security staff. This may include any combination of the following: static security staff, counter-surveillance personnel, executives, executive assistants, household staff, corporate security staff (other than executive protection), and more.
This leads us to one of the biggest obstacles in the protective intelligence process: data. What types of data do protective intelligence professionals need to collect and how can they store it for current and future analysis?
All of the information that the protective intelligence team gathers is data: security officer reports, person of interest (POI) descriptions, field observations, vehicle descriptions, license plate information, and written communications to the protectee, etc.
All of today’s protective intelligence literature places great emphasis on data storage. If a protective intelligence team does not have the ability to retrieve data on past incidents or POIs, then any possible response will be largely reactionary—acting on whim of the moment, masquerading as proactive security. The ability to retrieve data on past incidents or POIs provides critical references in the protective intelligence program: (1) accurately assess the behavior of POIs over long periods of time (2) reliable data for potential litigation, or law enforcement action against POIs (3) hard evidence to support security program effectiveness (4) identify trends and patterns over time.
Assess: Are They a Threat, or Not?
Protective intelligence researchers begin their assessment process by outlining their research project: problem/definition, data collection, data analysis, and report preparation. This process is summarized in a series of quick questions:
What does the executive protection manager need to know? For example, a common answer is that management needs to know if the POI is a threat and if so, to what degree, and what recommendations does the analyst have?

What data is needed, from where can it be collected, and how can it be collected efficiently and systematically?

What hypotheses does the data support or discount?

What report structure does the consumer prefer?

After protective intelligence researchers have outlined their project and reviewed data from the Threat Identification Phase, they can begin their investigation. This may include, but is not limited to, the following sources: security officer reports/chronologies, human resources reports, open source intelligence (OSINT) research, proprietary database research, and consultation with psychology professionals.

Mitigate: What Strategy Will Create the Safest Outcome for the Protectee?
The final product of the research phase will give the protective intelligence team an objective basis on which to determine why or why not a POI is a threat, and to what degree. Decision makers will now have the reliable information needed to choose the preferred course of action that will most likely produce the safest outcome for the protectee.
Regardless of the type of mitigation strategy chosen and implemented, consistent monitoring and reassessment is required. Monitoring can take many forms. The protective intelligence research process typically reveals public social media profiles of POIs that can be monitored daily for updates. However, some organizations may see a benefit in conducting physical surveillance on POIs, or seeking assistance from a third-party that is close to the POI.
Another potential obstacle to overcome in the protective intelligence process is Case Management. At any given time, there may be 5, 10, 20, or more active threat cases to monitor. How does one allocate resources to track active threat cases, and what systematic process is used to reassess them?
For protective intelligence teams, monitoring and reassessment are an ongoing process, and often, there is no clear-cut indicator for when a particular threat case can be put to rest. It will depend on the judgement of protective intelligence analysts and decision makers.

Challenges Facing Your Protective Intelligence Program
A protective intelligence program is made up of dynamic processes that runs parallel with other organizational factors, presenting a number of challenges to overcome. We have identified 10 common challenges and classified them in two categories, although they aren’t perfectly distinct and mutually exclusive.
Category One includes all of the challenges that are inherent in the process of an organization carrying out the sequential steps of the intelligence cycle: Planning and Direction, Collection, Storage, Analysis, Production, Dissemination, and Feedback.
Category Two includes the challenges that fall outside of the intelligence cycle, but influence inputs and outputs of the overall program.
Category One Challenges

#1 Planning and Direction
If protective intelligence is the process of identifying, assessing, and mitigating threats, then heavy consideration needs to be given to the planner’s Risk Vulnerability Threat Assessment (RVTA). A faulty or poorly conducted RVTA will result in a substandard foundation for the protective intelligence program. The RVTA ought to highlight those threats that that are especially likely, potentially impactful, and facilitated by present vulnerabilities. Those threats can be used as a basis for focusing the finite resources of the protective intelligence program, for maximum efficiency.
Questions for Consideration
Does the protective intelligence program have a clear focus, and do individual team members understand their role in supporting the overall mission?

Is the program grounded by a sound Risk Vulnerability Threat Assessment?

Are individual intelligence issues clearly defined (problem definition + scope) for analysts to succeed?

#2 Collection
Data collection is supported by security team members in the field, static security posts, counter-surveillance operations, open source/closed source intelligence, and more. Once an organization’s most relevant threats are outlined, it is easy to identify what information needs to be collected regarding specific threats. For example, if you have assessed the threat of inappropriate pursuers contacting the CEO at their office as being high, then you could identify specific information sets that would be highly relevant to you such as the campus’ suspicious vehicle log, license plate information, incidents of trespassing, etc.

Questions for Consideration
What types of information are critical to anticipate and mitigate the specific threats that have been identified.

Is information collection guided by a systematic methodology?

How, at what frequency, and from who/where is information collected?

Have investigators received adequate training in assessing potentially violent individuals? Simply stated, do they know what indicators are most relevant to search for?

#3 Storage
Data storage is a fundamental part of protective intelligence. Reassess and reevaluate is the name of the game when it comes to threat assessment investigations. Making accurate assessments over time, without the ability to retrieve data, would be nearly impossible. 
Questions for Consideration
How is information stored, categorized, and retrieved?

Who is authorized to access information, and does everyone that needs access, have access?

Are there special considerations for the storage of information for use in court?

How is information protected?

What are the weaknesses of that particular method of information storage?

#4 Analysis
“What does it mean?” That’s the question that intelligence analysts seek to answer, by breaking down complex problems into digestible components.
Questions for Consideration
Which team members have appropriate training to provide recommendations based on current threat assessment or related literature?

At what temporal intervals are specific intelligence problems revisited? For example, auditing records, reassessing persons of interest, reassessing travel risk, etc.

Is the work environment conducive to quality analytical judgements?

Are current technologies being used to augment analysts’ collection and analysis methods?

#5 Production
The final form that protective intelligence takes is dependent on the organization’s standards and most importantly, the consumer’s preferences. The corporate officers are unlikely to read the 30-page report prepared by the analyst for the security manager, just as the security staff at the parking lot entrance don’t care much for 30-page reports.
Questions for Consideration
Is there a standard format within the organization for intelligence reports such as BOLO profiles, threat assessment investigations, background investigations, etc.?

Are analysts following industry best practices in terms of substance, structure, and presentation of their written products?

What does the consumer prefer?

#6 Dissemination
When the final product is reviewed and meets the standard of the security manager, it is ready to be delivered to all of the appropriate staff.
Questions for Consideration
Who needs to be informed?

What barriers exist to inter-organizational information sharing, and how does one overcome these when safety and security depend on it? For example, corporate headquarters vs regional offices vs family office.

Post dissemination: what policies are in place for information security and protecting sensitive data?

#7 Feedback
Adequate feedback on the analyst’s work ensures continuous quality improvement of future reports in terms of value to the end-user/security manager.
Questions for Consideration
What assessments merit feedback from the consumer?

How is success/failure and improvement evaluated by the consumer?

Does the consumer clearly demonstrate how future intelligence products can be improved?

Category Two Challenges

#8 Organization
Organizational challenges can take many forms. Most are familiar with fighting to secure adequate resources to fuel the security program: hiring qualified personnel, technology/tools/IT support, and keeping personnel trained with regular participation in professional development programs.
A secondary challenge may be selling the benefits of a protective intelligence program to reluctant executives or a board of directors.
Lastly, getting cooperation from inter-organization groups may be the toughest challenge for security program proponents. For example, is the security staff at the corporate office communicating relevant threat information to the protective intelligence staff?
#9 Analysts
Analysts are essential and integral participants in the intelligence cycle, and have significant influence at each stage of the process. Their role merits extra attention and deliberation.
Questions for Consideration
How are analysts trained and developed?

Are analysts attached or detached from the day to day security operations, and how does that influence the quality of their analyses?

What measures are in place to account for and correct for cognitive biases of the analyst?

How do overseers and analysts avoid analyst-burnout?

#10 Case Management
Depending on organizational structure, the management of individual cases will vary by the personnel involved, time and energy committed, and urgency of the task.
Questions for Consideration
What caseload can a single analyst adequately support?

Do analysts receive assistance and support from other security staff?

What standards are used to evaluate the continued assessment or closure of a particular case?

Protective intelligence is an essential element of a proactive approach to protecting critical personnel and assets. It is the medium for understanding not only threat matrix and risk level, but also trends, problems, solutions, and ideas to support the mission. Not every organization can afford a large team of dedicated analysts, but no organization can afford to ignore the value of protective intelligence.

Thomas Kopecky is the CEO and Co-Founder of Ontic Technologies. He has over 20 years’ experience working as a security consultant—specifically focusing on protective intelligence issues. In addition, Thomas, where he and his team share big ideas about the future of protective intelligence and how it will best support organizations like yours.
His latest project, Ontic Technologies, has developed a proprietary software solution for corporate security, executive protection, global travel / risk intelligence teams, as well as schools and universities. Their Machine Assisted Protective Intelligence interface was designed by security intelligence experts to augment security professionals when they need to sift thru noise and big data overload, to ensure complete risk event comprehension, speed of execution, team collaboration, and communication.

Get Better At Networking

Get Better At Networking

In business , the goal of networking is to get something of value. For many, that means a new job or more business.  Unfortunately, for most people, their networking strategy and tactics will never work.  They launch a full frontal assault by loading up with contacts; boosting their LinkedIn connections to 500+, the number at which they quit keeping score; and hope they get noticed.  Surely having all those connections will produce the expected results, right?
But what about all those people who already have a job or all the business they can handle, what do they want to get from networking?  It’s simple: to get better.  Specifically, get better at what they do.  They network to learn and improve their knowledge, skills, and best practices.
Networking is not a goal, it’s a tool.  It is the process of building and maintaining relationships that will be of value to you.
Successful people know intuitively how to develop and nurture a reliable network of colleagues who can offer them something of value that makes them better at what they do.  They also know that in order to get something, they first have to give something.
A bazillion contacts alone won’t get you a job or business, that’s only a prospect list.  Getting better at what you do, will.  Simply knowing people is not a job qualification. You get hired based on what you have done because it implies what you are able to do.

Networking is a useful and powerful tool if your goal is to “get better.”  If you have connected with the right people – and that is key to your networking success – within your reach is a vast reservoir of knowledge, skill, experience, personal recommendations, and introductions.  Your objective is to access on a personal level what others have that you need.  Your network has all the answers.

The question then is, how do get from others what you need?  The blunt instruments of selfish pursuit – “It’s about me, not you.  It’s about what I need, not what you need” – are not likely to produce the outcome you want.  Try this instead, give the people in your network something they need…and expect nothing in return for it.

What Do You Know About Who You Know?
What you can offer others may not always be obvious so you must first get to know everyone with whom you have a relationship.  Quality trumps quantity in networking., says behavioral expertJames Clear,  “Your [networking] goals should not be on the forefront of your mind. You’re trying to develop a relationship with someone, which means you should be thinking about them. It’s your job to understand the people in your network, where they are coming from, and what’s important to them.”

Brother, Can You Spare A Dime?
Once you know what people need, you can tailor how to help them get it.  But again, don’t expect anything in return.  Your single goal is to help other people.  Again, follow Clear’s advice, “Yes, it would be nice if they helped you out as well, but networking is a two–way street. And your side of the street is all about helping others, not asking them to help you.  Asking for favors should only become a possibility once you have learned more about the person and provided some value to them.”

Giving Is Its Own Reward
So what are the practical tactics of this strategy?  You give and you get.  The more you give the more you get.  Start thinking in terms of what others need and fulfill those needs.  If what you offer is of real other-directed value, your effort is more likely to be rewarded.  That reward may be to open up access to the help you need.  Your contribution does not always need to be at the monumental life-saving or problem-solving level; something as simple as a compliment, a thank you, a favorable comment, an introduction, or a recommendation, carries a lot of weight and will get you started.  Don’t sell yourself short either.  If you have knowledge and skills from learning and experience – even at the entry level – be confident, and offer to share what you know with others, both above and below your level of expertise.  Frankly, if you can’t do that in your chosen career, you should consider another line of work.

From now on, your networking strategy for success is to Get Better!

By james. 

Threats It’s Summer. Hot, Humid, Dangerous, and a Security Risk

A Simple and Useful Tool
Worksite weather conditions trigger implementation of your heat hazard plan. OSHA and NIOSH developed an app that alerts supervisors and security personnel when risk exists at a specific security site. The app is free and works on Apple and Android devices.  Implement the plan when the Heat Index is at or above 75 degrees Fahrenheit.

It’s Summer. Hot, Humid, Dangerous, and a Security Risk
Working outdoors in heat and humidity greatly increases the risk of heat-related illness and death.

When your security officer or agent goes down from heat, the negative effect doubles: the security officer’s health is in jeopardy and, as a result, the protective security he or she provides is in jeopardy.  From May to September, if the security work is outdoors and the temperature is above 75 degrees Fahrenheit, a comprehensive risk and threat assessment must include the Sun.
How Humans Respond to Heat
Humans cool themselves naturally by sweating. When humidity is high, sweat does not evaporate quickly enough to cool us, and we feel hotter.  When humidity is low, sweat evaporates very quickly, and that can lead to severe dehydration.
As the temperature rises, our natural ability to stay cool goes down and, if left unabated, we can get sick and even die.
In fact, extreme heat causes more deaths than any other weather-related hazard. Each year, in the U.S alone, more than 65,000 people need medical treatment for extreme heat exposure.
From least to worst, heat-related illnesses are heat rash, heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke.
A Brief Primer on heat. “It Feels Like…”
Degrees of temperature are the measure of heat, but temperature is only half of the heat risk equation. To calculate the actual effect of heat, you must include humidity-the amount of moisture in the air.
The U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) devised an algorithm that combines air temperature and relative humidity to produce a single value, expressed in degrees Fahrenheit, of how hot the weather actually feels. Known as the Heat Index, it is more indicative of heat-related risk than just air temperature.
A note of warning, the Heat Index was devised from measurements taken in the shade with light wind. Exposure to full sunshine can increase heat index values by up to 15 degrees Fahrenheit.
In addition, some workers, depending on exertion level and the heat index, are at risk when the temperature reaches 75 degrees.
Heat Hazard Risk Factors
Two heat hazard factors guide prevention and response: the type of work and risk conditions.
In general, security works is comparatively light duty, but take into account exceptions such as strenuous training and duty.
Risk conditions include physical fitness, age and gender, illness, medications, time on the job in the heat, alcohol use, and of course, temperature, humidity, and exposure to sunlight. In addition, personal attire such as a dark suit or uniform, and protective duty equipment, can increase risk.  Also, be watchful of highly motivated individuals who push themselves too hard or will not reveal symptoms and illness.
Four Good Reasons to Develop a Heat Hazard Prevention and Response Program
First, people are our most important asset. There really is no other explanation needed.
Second, it’s mission critical. To borrow from the U.S. Army rationale for heat illness prevention and response:
Supervisors and security personnel should understand that sun safety and the prevention of heat injuries are vital to sustaining the security mission. Supervisors must continually be aware of the condition of their officers and agents and be especially alert for signs and symptoms of heat and sun illness.  Prevention, early detection, and immediate treatment are the supervisor initiatives through which heat and sun injuries should be managed at the security site.
Third, it ups the value of security. Security personnel trained in heat illness prevention and recognition can serve as sentinels to protect non-security workers and visitors at the site who may be at risk or show signs of illness.
Fourth, the U.S. Government expects employers to protect their workers. The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) does not have specific written standards for abating heat-related hazards. Instead, the agency, and the courts, have interpreted OSHA’s general duty clause to apply to heat-related hazards because there is a feasible method to abate the hazard.
OSHA does have written standards for personal protective equipment, sanitation, medical services, safety training and education, and recordkeeping that apply to heat hazard.
To help employers abate heat hazard, OSHA and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) offer extensive information and assistance, including a Heat Illness Prevention Campaign, useful tools, and even on-site evaluations.  Because of all the help available, employers have little defense in the event of an OSHA enforcement action for failure to protect workers from heat hazard.
What an Employer is Expected to Do
Employers with workers exposed to heat hazard are expected to:
Develop, implement, and manage a complete heat illness program.

Monitor temperature and Heat Index at the work site.

Provide workers with water, rest, and shade.

Acclimatize workers by gradually increasing exposure to heat, especially new or returning workers, in order to build a tolerance for working in the heat.

Modify work schedules to reduce workers’ exposure to heat.

Train workers on the signs and symptoms of heat illness, and prevention.

Monitor workers for signs of heat stress.

Plan for emergencies and response.

Implement the plan when the Heat Index is at or above 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Adjust the preventive measures based on the conditions, workload, and protective clothing.
The OSHA-NIOSH Heat Safety Tool app features:
A visual indicator of the current heat index and associated risk levels specific to your geographic location.

Precautionary recommendations specific to heat index-associated risk levels.

An interactive, hourly forecast of heat index values, risk level, and recommendations for planning outdoor work activities in advance.

Editable location, temperature, and humidity controls for calculation of variable conditions.

Signs and symptoms and first aid information for heat-related illness.The 2011 version of the app expired on September 30, 2017. The current version is available for download. [2] The National Weather Service also broadcasts daily Heat Index values.

A checklist from the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) gives managers and employees a quick reference guide for recognizing and treating the various types of heat illness.  You can download a PDF of “Warning Signs and Symptoms of Heat-Related Illness” from this link..


Why executive protection companies and clients need to evolve from simple vendor relationships to strategic partnerships

Why executive protection companies and clients need to evolve from simple vendor relationships to strategic partnerships

 Perlindungan Eksekutif , Perkongsian Strategik ,Pengurusan Hubungan Vendor

Sama seperti mana-mana perniagaan lain, kebanyakan syarikat perlindungan eksekutif adalah vendor dan juga pembeli. Kami menjual perkhidmatan perlindungan kepada pelanggan kami, dan kami kadang-kadang membeli perkhidmatan dari pembekal lain untuk membuat ini berlaku. Ergo, kita perlu baik dalam menyediakan perkhidmatan yang kita jual, dan kita perlu berbuat baik untuk membeli perkhidmatan yang kita gunakan.

Pengurusan hubungan McKinsey, Mali, dan vendor

Sekiranya pelanggan utama perlu pergi ke Mali, salah satu ejen kami akan melakukan pendahuluan dan prinsipal akan disertai oleh satu atau lebih ejen kami semasa perjalanan. Walau bagaimanapun, kami akan berunding dengan rakan kongsi pakar tempatan yang kami kenal di Bamako untuk pengangkutan darat, dengan itu mengatur hibrid antara FTE dan vendor kami sendiri.
Mengapa? Kami tidak melakukan perniagaan yang cukup di Mali untuk membenarkan FTE kami sendiri dan armada kenderaan di sana. Dan tidak seperti POTUS, pengetua korporat perjalanan kami tidak didahului oleh C17 tentera yang membawa kereta dan helikopter mereka sendiri. Oleh itu, dalam kes ini, kami membuat keputusan untuk mengeluarkan sumber perkhidmatan terpilih. Dalam kes lain, kita tidak akan.
Sudah tentu, kami dengan teliti memastikan semua pembekal perlindungan yang kami lakukan dengan perniagaan untuk memastikan mereka memenuhi kriteria yang kami tetapkan untuk mereka, termasuk latihan, pensijilan, pengebilan, dokumentasi, dan banyak lagi. Kami tidak mahu masuk ke semua butiran periksa di sini, sebagai topik ini, sama seperti pengendali mutu penjual, sepatutnya blog mereka sendiri.
Tetapi walaupun kami tidak melakukan butiran yang cukup di Mali untuk mengupah FTE tempatan kami di sana,  kami tahu cukup tentang tempat itu - dan mengenai perbezaan budaya pada umumnya - untuk memahami bahawa menggunakan istilah seperti "titik keluar" dan membuat besar Berurusan dengan Diet Cokes sejuk tidak selalu diterjemahkan dengan mudah ke Bambara atau Perancis.   Seperti semua wilayah lain yang kami bekerjasama, kami berada di sana pada butiran dan mendapati dan melatih rakan kongsi yang kami gunakan di sana.
Kami telah bekerja dengan banyak pembekal kami sekian lama sehingga mereka hampir menjadi "sebahagian daripada keluarga". Sebahagian daripada mereka bergantung kepada kami untuk sebahagian besar perniagaan mereka.Namun, beberapa hubungan pembekal telah berkembang menjadi perkongsian strategik, yang lain tidak.
Selama bertahun-tahun, kami telah berpisah dengan para pembekal atas pelbagai sebab. Ada yang tidak dapat atau tidak memenuhi tuntutan kualiti kami; yang lain merosot untuk memenuhi keperluan kami yang semakin meningkat;beberapa hanya bersara tanpa lulus perniagaan.
Maafkan kami untuk membincangkan topik ini, tetapi untuk menjaga klien kami dan memastikan bahawa pembekal kami melakukan perkara yang sama, kami membelanjakan sebahagian besar daripada kehidupan kerja kami yang menguruskan interaksi antara pembeli dan vendor. Dan kami faham bahawa rakan-rakan kami dalam Perolehan membelanjakan sebahagian besar kehidupan mereka untuk menguruskan pembekal mereka, termasuk orang seperti kami.
Pada hari tertentu, kami berada di kedua-dua belah hubungan dan meja rundingan.Suatu ketika, kami adalah pembekal, berurusan dengan Pakar perolehan Fortune 500-enabled McKinsey mengenai kontrak klien yang kompleks dan banyak tahun yang kami tawarkan.Seterusnya, kami WhatsApping dengan pembekal kami sendiri di Bamako tentang jenis tayar yang kami mahukan pada kereta dalam masa 24 jam.
Semakin kita memikirkannya, semakin kita yakin bahawa penyedia perlindungan eksekutif, tidak kira di mana mereka berada di rantai makanan, perlu mula berfikir lebih seperti rakan strategik dan kurang seperti vendor. Begitu juga, kami yakin bahawa sesetengah pelanggan akan berfikir dengan lebih baik tentang perlindungan eksekutif sebagai perkhidmatan profesional khusus dan kurang sebagai komoditi.

Ini semua berakar kepada penglibatan yang berkualiti, kawalan mutu, dan inovasi

Ya, respons RFP 60 halaman boleh menjadi rumit. Tidak, ia tidak selalu mudah untuk memastikan vendor di seberang planet yang kami gunakan dua kali setahun melintasi setiap "T" dalam semua dokumen yang kami perlukan.Tetapi dari masa ke masa, kami telah mengetahui bahawa apa yang pelanggan inginkan daripada kami sebagai pembekal - dan apa yang kami mahukan dari pembekal kami sendiri - sebenarnya cukup mudah. Ia semuanya berakar kepada tiga perkara:
  1. Penglibatan kualiti dengan pelanggan, pekerja, dan rakan kongsi: Tiada pelanggan jangka panjang ingin terus membeli sesuatu dari orang yang tidak peduli dengan mereka atau perniagaan mereka.Mereka juga tidak mahu mengupah orang yang tidak memperlakukan pekerja mereka dan rakan niaga mereka dengan baik, yang tidak menyelesaikan masalah secara proaktif, yang tidak akan pergi lebih jauh.
  2. Kawalan kualiti: Pelanggan mengharapkan kami melakukan apa yang kami janjikan dan mengawal kualiti apa yang kami lakukan sendiri. Secara konsisten, secara telus, dan adakah sesiapa sahaja yang menoleh ke belakang atau tidak. Kami mengharapkan pembekal yang sama. Dan kemudian kita periksa mereka pula.
  3. Inovasi: Perkara berubah, kadang-kadang lebih cepat daripada yang difikirkan mungkin. Jika kita, sebagai pembekal, tidak bersaing dan idealnya berada di hadapan lengkung, maka kita jatuh di belakang. Ini jelas mengenai teknologi, tetapi ia juga berlaku untuk operasi, proses perniagaan, organisasi.

Adakah anda seorang vendor atau rakan kongsi pakar? Siapa yang anda mahu membeli perkhidmatan dari, vendor atau rakan kongsi pakar?

Kami berharap anda akan menyertai kami dalam percubaan pemikiran yang sedikit.
Sekiranya anda bekerja di industri perlindungan eksekutif, sama ada sebagai pembekal atau dalam perbadanan, bagaimana anda melihat diri anda?Adakah anda seorang vendor, rakan kongsi pakar, atau di mana-mana?
Begitu juga, jika anda terlibat dalam perolehan perkhidmatan perlindungan eksekutif untuk organisasi anda, apakah jenis pembekal yang anda cari? Seorang vendor komoditi, rakan kongsi strategik bertaraf dunia, atau di mana-mana?
Sila ambil satu minit untuk melihat carta di bawah dan fikirkan sama ada di mana anda berada sekarang. Apakah jenis pembekal perlindungan eksekutif yang anda mahukan? Apakah jenis pembekal perlindungan eksekutif yang anda mahu sewa? Bagaimana anda menjawab soalan seperti ini:
  • Tahap pengesanan prestasi yang anda berikan (atau yang anda cari)?
  • Bagaimana anda terlibat dengan pelanggan anda, pekerja anda, dan rakan / pembekal anda sendiri?
  • Apakah jenis sistem dan proseskawalan mutu yang anda berikan (atau anda cari)?
  • Bagaimana inovatif anda dalam proses, prosedur, dan penggunaan teknologi baru? Atau, bagaimana inovatif yang anda mahukan pembekal anda?
Dari vendor kepada rakan strategik dalam perlindungan eksekutif
Sekiranya anda penyedia perkhidmatan perlindungan eksekutif, yang manakah dari empat kategori ini yang akan anda letakkan? Di manakah anda dalam perjalanan evolusi dari "vendor komoditi" ke "rakan strategik terbaik dalam kelas"?Adakah anda gembira dengan mana anda berada, atau adakah anda ingin mengubah sesuatu?
Jika anda membeli perkhidmatan perlindungan eksekutif, jenis pembekal yang anda cari? Seseorang yang menyediakan perkhidmatan komoditi asas, atau seseorang yang menyediakan lebih banyak keterlibatan, jaminan kualiti, dan inovasi? Bagaimana dengan penjejakan prestasi?
Kami tidak mengatakan bahawa mana-mana empat kategori ini semestinya lebih baik atau lebih buruk daripada yang lain.Dalam industri kami, seperti kebanyakan orang lain, terdapat pasaran yang jelas bagi semua jenis pemain yang berbeza, tahap kualiti, dan harga.
Walau bagaimanapun, kami percaya bahawa lebih banyak pembekal dan pembeli perlindungan eksekutif akan berkembang ke arah perkongsian strategik. Itulah yang berlaku apabila industri menjadi lebih profesional. Jika kita mahu meneruskan profesionalisasi industri perlindungan eksekutif, dan jika pelanggan kami ingin membuat keputusan perolehan yang lebih baik, maka kita semua perlu memikirkan jenis hubungan pembeli pembeli yang berfungsi dengan baik dalam jangka masa panjang. 
By-: Assolution

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KERJAYA PERLINDUNGAN RAPAT|PERLINDUNGAN PERIBADI|PERLINDUNGAN KESELAMATAN|PENILAI RISIKO|PENGENDALI PASARAN| PENGENDALI LATIHAN. Selamat Datang Ke Sektor Keselamatan Awam Agensi Perkhidmatan Keselamatan Perlindungan Kami adalah Pembekal,Perunding Perlindungan Dan Penilaian Analisis Risiko Serta Penasihat Rancangan Keselamatan Fizikal Swasta, Pemasaran Pegawai Perlindungan Rapat Dalam Pasaran Global. Kami mempunyai pangkalan data kami sendiri yang Calon CPO/CBG berpengalaman perlindungan rapat. Jangan lupa anda boleh menghubungi kami dengan mana-mana keperluan perlindungan keselamatan Fizikal peribadi untuk anda. NOTA: Sebarang maklumat yang diberikan di atas tidak menjamin peluang penggajian atau pelajaran dengan saya atau mana-mana majikan@Agensi saya yang bergabung. Anda HARUS memenuhi setiap keperluan majikan atau Syarikat Prinsipal untuk pekerjaan. Sila hubungi bakal majikan anda untuk maklumat lanjut mengenai pekerjaan. Terima kasih kerana Waktu. Choosing the right security course for career development. "The Special Protection Specialist Protective Executife Group" in Private Public Security And Public Order Division|Ministry Of Home Affains" - Industry Authority ©️2012-2019|Hyatt's™️|®️CPOSecurity Risk Protections Consulting.

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